Illinois Police Shootings Defense Attorneys
Some of the most significant cases alleging police misconduct in Chicagoland have been successfully litigated by The Sotos Law Firm. Several such cases were police shooting claims that we defeated on motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment, or at trial. We are experienced in utilizing advanced technologies such as computer animations to recreate shooting scenes in order to persuade courts and juries that deadly force was justified in the rapidly evolving dynamics confronting an officer whose life was on the line, and who had only a split second to react. This rate of success can come only from hard-won experience.
While the press oftentimes provides a valuable service to the public, it is quick to take sides when claims of misconduct or corruption surface. If you have received such an allegation, the first step you should take is to contact an experienced lawyer to help you examine the circumstances surrounding the complaint and determine an appropriate response to effectively resolve or dispute it. Our experience and success in defending police officers and governmental entities in police shooting cases makes the Sotos Law Firm the right choice to defend such cases.